Hello there!

Congratulations with the huge win which you are going to experience once you start using our amazing Share-one-Drive plugin which will save you tons of time!

  Let's get Started!

Getting Started


  • WordPress 5.3+. The latest version of WordPress is recommended.
  • At least PHP 7.4 with cURL extension. PHP 8.1 is recommended and plugin is PHP 8.2 compatible.
If you are not sure which PHP version your website is running or if the cURL extension is enabled, check the Site Health Tool (Wordpress-> Tools -> Site Health -> Info)
Running the latest PHP version will increase the loading performance of the plugin and your site in general. Check your web host configuration panel if it is possible to upgrade your php version!

Plugin Installation

The Share-one-Drive installation doesn't differ from any other plugin installation process, so you might be familiar with this process already. If not, please follow instructions below.

  1. Login to WordPress Admin Dashboard on your website
  2. Go to [Plugins] -> [Add New]
  3. Click on the "Upload" button.
  4. Browse to the plugin's zip file (it is the same archive you've downloaded from CodeCanyon) and choose that file.
  5. Click on the "Install Now" button.
  6. Wait while plugin is uploaded to your server
  7. Click "Activate Plugin" button.

Can't you install the plugin and are you seeing The link you have followed has expired? Find solutions in this FAQ article: FAQ: I can't install the plugin: The link you have followed has expired
Are you seeing the message Error: Cannot create the cache directory ... , or it is not writable? Please take a look at this FAQ article: FAQ: Cannot create the cache directory

Multi Site / Network

The plugin does support WordPress Multi Sites. You can activate the plugin on network level or on the sub sites individually.

When you have activated the plugin on network level, you can link the plugin to multiple accounts. In that case, each sub site will have access to the accounts that are linked in the network configuration. You can also link the plugin to multiple Drive accounts per sub site when you haven't linked the plugin on network level.

Please keep in mind that the Licenses only covers the usage in one End Product, which means that you will need a separate license for each site when the sites contain a different End.

Plugin Activation

After you have installed the plugin, it is necessary to activate your copy. This will enable the plugin settings and allows you to have direct access to the latest updates and to get support. In order to activate the plugin please follow these steps:

  1. Go to [Share-one-Drive] -> [Settings] in the WordPress Admin Dashboard on your website
  2. Click on the "Activate" button.
  3. A new window will open and you will be redirected to Envato
  4. Click on the "Approve" button to activate the plugin
  5. Wait while the activation is processed
  6. Done!

Is the activation not working? You can manually insert your purchase code by clicking on the 'Or insert your purchasecode manually and press Activate' button.

Plugin Updates

The plugin offers an automatic WordPress update mechanism. To use the automatic update option you must have license for the plugin and the plugin should be activated. When new version of the plugin will be available, you should click "Update now" link under the plugin on the WordPress Admin Dashboard - Plugins page.

It is also possible to update Share-one-Drive manually, to perform it please follow these steps.

  1. Go to our Updates Page
  2. Insert your purchase code, select the right plugin and press the "Download" button.
  3. Login to WordPress Admin Dashboard on your website
  4. Go to Plugins page, deactivate the plugin and press uninstall. (your settings will be temporarily stored in the WordPress Database)
  5. Follow the Plugin Installation instructions to install the new version

file_download   Download latest Package


Envato Market is the only exclusive distributor for the WP Cloud Plugins.

The Envato Market offers Regular Licenses and Extended Licenses for the plugin.

The Regular License is the most common type of licensing. The regular license allows you to use the item in one single end product which end user is not charged to access or use. You can acquire regular license for your own website, or if you are a developer - for one client by transferring the license to your client when the project is finished.

Both Licenses are a 1-time purchase, single domain and comes with unlimited updates & at least 6 months of free support. 

Regular License vs Extended License

You will need an Extended License when the plugin is used on a section of your site which is accessible by paying users (e.g. via memberships, subscriptions, product purchases, etc...). If the plugin is only used on a free accessible section on your site, a Regular License is the one you are looking for.

Which license for Single site, multiple site, unlimited sites?

The Licenses only covers the usage in one End Product, which means that you will need a separate license for each site when the sites contain a different End Product.


  1. When the main site is a global site (.organization.com) for a organization and the subdomains are used by the local departments (newyork.organization.comlondon.organization.com)
    -> Separate licenses

  2. When the subdomain (shop.organization.com) is just part of the main domain (.organization.com)
    -> A single license

  3. When the plugin is used both on a live site (.organization.com) and its development/staging environment (localhost, dev.organization.com, etc)
    -> A single license

  4. When you want to use the plugin on multiple domains (a-organization.com and b-organization.com). Or when you are using different top-level domains (a-organization.eu and a-organization.com).
    -> Separate licenses

  5. The plugin is used on a section of your site which is only accessible after paying (memberships, subscriptions, product purchases, etc...)
    -> Extended License

What about development environments?

Localhost, staging and development environments won’t get counted toward the license’s maximum allowed sites if its domain name is clearly a dev or staging site. Here you can find a list of TLDs and subdomains that are considered as dev or staging.

In order to read more about Regular license please visit CodeCanyon.

info   License Details


Shortcode Builder

Adding Share-one-Drive has never been easier! Although it has an impressive number of options, even beginners will manage to implement the plugin to their wishes with our intuitive workflow. A more detailed explanation of all the options in the Shortcode Builder can be found in this document.

Add module via the Gutenberg Editor
  1. Create a new Page/Post or edit an existing one.
  2. Open the WP Cloud Plugin section and add a the plugins block
  3. Adjust the configuration in the panel on the right by pressing the 'Edit via Module Builder' button.
  4. Publish or Update the page and you are finished!

Add module via Divi Page Builder
  1. Create a new Page/Post or edit an existing one.
  2. Add the plugin block
  3. Adjust the module in the configuration panel by pressing the 'Configure module' button or by editing the raw module.
  4. Publish or Update the page and you are finished!

Add module via Elementor
  1. Create a new Page/Post or edit an existing one.
  2. Open the WP Cloud Plugin section and add a the plugins block
  3. Adjust the configuration in the panel on the right by pressing the 'Edit via Module Builder' button.
  4. Publish or Update the page and you are finished!

Add module via Beaver Builder
  1. Create a new Page/Post or edit an existing one.
  2. Open the WP Cloud Plugin section and add a the plugins block
  3. Adjust the module configuration in the panel by pressing the 'Edit via Module Builder' button.
  4. Publish or Update the page and you are finished!

Add module via the Classic Editor
  1. Create a new Page/Post or edit an existing one.
  2. To open the Shortcode Builder press the first Share-one-Drive button in the toolbar of the Classic Block.
  3. Adjust the module in the Shortcode Builder via all the controls and options
  4. Press the "Insert Module" button, to add an instance to your Page
  5. Publish or Update the page and you are finished!

When you are using a 3rd party Page Editor, adding a simple Text Component / Text Block will in most cases give you access to the default MCE Editor with the plugin Shortcode Builder.
The plugin has a standalone Shortcode Builder for situations where the Page Editor can't be used. Open it via the [WP Admin Dashboard] -> [Share-one-Drive] -> [Module] menu.

Embed Documents

To embed single documents on your page, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new Page/Post or edit an existing one.
  2. Press the last Share-one-Drive button in the toolbar of the Page Editor. If you are not seeing the button, make sure that you are in the 'VISUAL' mode of the Page editor.
  3. Navigate to the File which you want to embed
  4. Check the checkbox of the file and press "Embed Files"
  5. Publish or Update the page and you are finished!

Global Options

All main plugin options can be set via the Share-one-Drive menu page. Most settings will speak for themselves but some others might need some additional information.

Private Folders

Private Folders allow you to link specific WordPress users to specific folders in the cloud. There are two ways you can use this feature: Manually and Automatically. In the Manual mode, you will link your WordPress Users to their own folder on your OneDrive by hand. In the Automatic mode, you let the plugin automatically manage the Private Folders.

Global settings automatically linked Private Folders

The following settings are only used for all modules with automatically linked Private Folders
Setting Description
Create Private Folders on registration Automatically create the Private Folders for an user after their registration on the site.
Create all Private Folders the 1st time a module is used Immediately create all the Private Folders during the first rendering of a module that has the Private Folders feature enabled.
Update Private Folders after profile update If needed, update the name of the Private Folder for an user after they have updated their profile.
Delete Private Folders after deleting WP User Try to remove the users Private Folders after their account is deleted.
Name Template Template used when a Private Folder for an user is created. This template can contain several placeholders like %user_login%, %user_firstname%, %user_lastname%, %user_email%, %display_name%, %ID%, %user_role{key}%, %date_{date_format}%, %date_i18n_{date_format}%, %yyyy-mm-dd%, %hh:mm%, %uniqueID%, %directory_separator% (/).

Use %usermeta_{key}% to get your users custom meta value, where {key} is the meta key to retrieve.

Use %postmeta_{key}% to get your post custom meta value, where {key} is the meta key to retrieve.

Use %date_{date_format}% to get the current time in the specified '{date_format}', where {date_format} needs to be a PHP date format string.

%date_i18n_{date_format}% acts the same as %date_{date_format}%, but returns the localised time using the language set for the site.

If you want to be able to send notifications to the owner of this folder the template should contain %user_email%.

Global settings automatically linked Private Folders

Setting Description
"Access Forbidden" Notice Message that is displayed when an user is visiting a module with the Private Folders feature set to 'Manual' mode while it doesn't have Private Folder linked to its account.

Private Folders in WP Admin Dashboard

The Private Folders feature can also be used in the File Browsers in the WordPress Admin Dashboard. To enable this, go to the tab called 'Private Folders' on the main plugin settings page (Share-one-Drive -> Settings). The behavior of the File Browsers in the Admin section can be changed via the setting "Private Folders in WP Admin Dashboard".


API Application

Setting Description
Use Custom App For an easy configuration you can just use the default App of the plugin itself. If you want to use your own OneDrive App, please read the extra instructions.
  Create own App

Microsoft Account Settings

Setting Description
Business Accounts | Scope shared-links Who should be able to access the links that are created by the plugin? If set to Public the links will be accessible by anyone. Within Organization will make links accessible within your organization only. Anonymous links may be disabled by the tenant administrator.
Business Accounts | SharePoint Site Libraries Should the SharePoint Site Libraries be accessible via the plugin? Re-authorize the plugin with your account after changing this setting to make sure that the plugin is granted access with the correct scope.


Setting Description
Load Javascripts on all pages By default the plugin will only load it scripts when the module is present on the page. If you are dynamically loading content via AJAX calls and the plugin does not show up, please enable this setting. It will force the plugin to loads its scripts on all your pages. No worries about loading performances, as the files will automatically be cached by your browser once loaded.
Enable Gzip compression Enables gzip-compression if the visitor's browser can handle it. This will increase the performance of the plugin if you are displaying large amounts of files and it reduces bandwidth usage as well. It uses the PHP ob_gzhandler() callback.

Please use this setting with caution. Always test if the plugin still works on the Front-End!
Nonce Validation The plugin uses, among others, the WordPress Nonce system to protect you against several types of attacks including CSRF. Disable this in case you are encountering a conflict with a plugin that alters this system.

Please use this setting with caution! Only disable it when really necessary.
Delete settings on Uninstall When you uninstall the plugin, what do you want to do with your settings? You can save them for next time, or wipe them back to factory settings.


URL Shortener

You can shorten the links created by the plugin with the the shorten APIs of TinyURL, Shorte.st, Rebrandly and Bit.ly

ReCaptcha V3

reCAPTCHA protects you against spam and other types of automated abuse. With this reCAPTCHA (V3) integration module, you can block abusive downloads of your files by bots.

Video Advertisements (IMA/VAST)

The mediaplayer of the plugin supports VAST XML advertisments to offer monetization options for your videos. You can enable advertisments for the complete site and per Media Player module. Currently, only Linear elements using MP4 are supported.

There are quite some providers that can be used to create your Ad campaigns and to get a VAST XML url. You could for instance use DoubleClick/Google Ad Manager. You can read more about that in the Google Ads Help center.

  Google Ads Help

Setting Description
VAST XML Tag Url Example: https://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/ads?sz=640x480&iu=/124319096/external/single_ad_samples&ciu_szs=300x250&impl=s&gdfp_req=1&env=vp&output=vast&unviewed_position_start=1&cust_params=deployment%3Ddevsite%26sample_ct%3Dskippablelinear&correlator=
Enable Skip Button Allow user to skip advertisment after after the following amount of seconds have elapsed


The plugin can send email notifications when the plugin loses its authorization to one of the cloud accounts, and files are downloaded, uploaded or deleted. The email settings and (HTML) content of the emails can be controlled via this settings page.

Email Sender Information

Setting Description
From Name Enter the name you would like the notification email sent from, or use one of the available placeholders.
From Email Enter an authorized email address you would like the notification email sent from. To avoid deliverability issues, always use your site domain in the from email.


The following placeholders can be used inside the template fields:

Placeholder Description
%site_name% Site title as set on the WordPress General Settings page
%number_of_files% Number of files (int) which are processed for this notification
%user_name% Name of the user executing the action
%user_email% Email of the user executing the action
%user_firstname% First Name of the user executing the action
%user_lastname% Last Name of the user executing the action
%recipient_name% Name of the user receiving the email
%recipient_email% Email of the user receiving the email
%recipient_firstname% First Name of the user receiving the email
%recipient_lastname% Last Name of the user receiving the email
%account_email% Email Address that belongs to the cloud account
%admin_email% Administration Email Address as set on the WordPress General Settings page
%file_name% File name
%file_size% File size in a readable format
%file_icon% Simple mimetype file icon
%file_relative_path% File path relative from the module that is being used
%file_absolute_path% File path starting at the root folder of your account
%file_cloud_shortlived_download_url% A direct download link to the file in the cloud that expires after a few hours. User needs to have access to the file on the Cloud
%file_cloud_preview_url% A preview link to the file in the cloud. User needs to have access to the file on the Cloud
%file_cloud_shared_url% A shared link to the file in the cloud, accessible by anyone with the link
%file_download_url% A direct download link to the file. The file is only accessible by users which have the 'Download Permission' for the module
%folder_name% Folder name
%folder_relative_path% Folder path relative from the module that is being used
%folder_absolute_path% Folder path starting at the root folder of your account
%folder_url% A preview link to the folder
%ip% IP of the user executing the action
%location% Country/Region/City of the user that executes the action. Use the http://www.geoplugin.net API service

The content of the notification will be added to a global email template which is stored in /templates/notifcations/default_notification.php. Don't edit this file directly as it will automatically be overwritten when updating the plugin. Instead, use the shareonedrive_notification_set_template filter to modify the location of the template that needs to be used.

add_filter('shareonedrive_notification_set_template','change_notification_email', 10, 2);

function change_notification_email($template_location, $notification){
    return WP_CONTENT_DIR .'/custom_notifications/default_notification.php';


The Permissions tab controls who has access to which functionality of the plugin. You can use it (e.g.) to prevent specific administrators to access the plugin settings or disable the Module Builder for certain Editors.

You can set permissions for who can

  • change the plugin settings;
  • link users to private folders;
  • see statistics and reports;
  • access the main File Browser;
  • add new modules;
  • add direct links;
  • embed documents.


To log all events which are executed by the plugin, Enable the Log Events setting on the Statistics tab. The logged events are accessible via the 'Share-one-Drive' -> 'Reports' menu.

Setting Description
Log Events Allow the plugin to register all plugin events.
- Summary Email Email a summary of all the events that are logged with the plugin.
--- Interval Select the interval the summary needs to be send.
--- Recipients Set to which email address(es) the summary should be send.
- Use Webhook Send automated messages (JSON data) to another application for every event logged by the plugin.
--- Webhook Endpoint URL The listener URL where the JSON data will be send to.
--- Webhook Secret The events send to your endpoint will include a signature. You can use this secret to verify that the events were sent by this plugin, not by a third party. See the documentation for more information.
Use Google Analytics tracker The plugin will send its events to Google Analytics if your Google tracker has been added to your site.

Email summary

The plugin can send an overview of all the events that happend in a certain period. To enable this, the plugin has to log events and Summary Email setting on the Statistics tab should be enabled

The email template is stored in /templates/notifcations/event_summary.php. Don't edit this file directly as it will automatically be overwritten when updating the plugin. Instead, use the shareonedrive_events_set_summary_template filter to modify the location of the template that needs to be used.

add_filter('shareonedrive_events_set_summary_template','change_event_summary_email', 10, 2);

function change_event_summary_email($template_location, $notification){
    return WP_CONTENT_DIR .'/custom_notifications/event_summary.php';

Google Analytics

Is the report functionality of the plugin not sufficient for your situation? The plugin can send all download/upload events to Google Analytics.

If you enable this feature, please make sure you already added your Google Analytics web tracking code to your site. In most themes you will have a Custom Script box where you can add your Google Analytics code

All events in the plugin are registered in Google Analytics as 'Events'. So, in your Google Analytics Dashboard you will find this under 'Behavior' -> 'Events' -> 'Overview'


The built in Webhooks function is an easy way to get automated messages based on all events the plugin logs. The plugin can send a JSON object to a by you specified listener URL, containing all information regarding the event that is being logged.

You can enable the Webhook functionality via the Statistics tab under Log Events -> Webhook Endpoint URL.

Available events types:

shareonedrive_previewed_entry, shareonedrive_edited_entry, shareonedrive_downloaded_entry, shareonedrive_streamed_entry, shareonedrive_created_link_to_entry, shareonedrive_renamed_entry, shareonedrive_deleted_entry, shareonedrive_created_entry, shareonedrive_updated_description, shareonedrive_updated_metadata, shareonedrive_moved_entry, shareonedrive_uploaded_entry, shareonedrive_uploaded_failed, shareonedrive_searched, shareonedrive_sent_notification, shareonedrive_error

Example Data:
  "total": 1,
  "events": [
      "timestamp": "2022-05-01T00:05:00+00:00",
      "type": "useyourdrive_previewed_entry",
      "description": "John Johnson previewed the file UK Festival Market Report.pdf",
      "data": {
        "entry": {
          "id": "1-y9psKPDJCycz38c2sN_a3lRoO9S",
          "name": "UK Festival Market Report.pdf",
          "mimetype": "application/pdf",
          "size": "2 MB",
          "icon": "https://...",
          "description": "Festival Insights and the UK Festival Awards are proud to release the UK Festival Market Report 2017.",
          "thumbnail": "https://...",
          "preview_url": "https://...",
          "download_url": "https://...",
          "is_dir": false,
          "parent_id": "0By3zfuC9ZTdGZCT1pUd0E",
          "parent_path": "/Path/To/Folder"
        "account": {
          "id": "1030123322434145",
          "name": "Your Account name",
          "email": "info@example.com",
          "image": "https://..."
      "user": {
        "ID": "3",
        "user_login": "John Johnson",
        "user_nicename": "john-johnson",
        "user_email": "info@example.com",
        "display_name": "John Johnson"
      "page": "https://yoursite.com/page"
      "timestamp": "2022-05-01T00:05:01+00:00",
      "type": "shareonedrive_deleted_entry",

Example Webhook listener (PHP):

// Optional: Prevent replay attacks by ensuring this request has been signed
// recently (+/- 5 minutes). The request timestamp is in ms!
$time_difference = abs((time() - intval($_SERVER['HTTP_X_WPCP_TIMESTAMP'])) / 1000);

if ($time_difference > 300) {
  exit('Invalid request timestamp');

// Calculate challenge hash by concatenating the request timestamp with the
// webhook secret with a semicolon in between: "timestamp;secret".
// Hash is created with SHA256 encoded as hexdecimal lowercase string.
$secret = 'your_secret';
$challenge = hash('sha256', $req_timestamp.';'.$secret);

// Calculate request body signature using the challenge hash as secret.
// Signature is a HMAC SHA256 hash encoded as hexdecimal lowercase string.
$req_raw_body = file_get_contents('php://input');
$expected_signature = 'sha256='.hash_hmac('sha256', $req_raw_body, $challenge);

// Compare expected with received signature.
$req_signature = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_WPCP_SIGNATURE'];

if ($expected_signature !== $req_signature) {
  exit('Invalid signature');

// Finally, parse the JSON request body and process the received events.
$data = json_decode($req_raw_body, true);

Shortcode Builder

The different plugin views: File Browsers, Galleries, Media Players, Upload Boxes are controlled via modules. The modules can be easily generated via the Shortcode Builder of the plugin which you can find in the WordPress Page Editor. This Shortcode Builder has an impressive number of options which will be explained in this section


On the Module tab select which View you want to use to display your files. Each view has different options available which will automatically become available in the Shortcode Builder.


Use the Content tab to select which folder should be used a 'root' folder for this module. On this tab you can also enable the Private Folder feature which will give users their own folder. You can find this setting in the 'Smart Client Area' section.

Setting Description
Select top folder Select which folder should be used as starting point. Users will not be able to navigate outside this folder. When using automatically created Private Folders, the specific folders will be created inside this top folder.
Media files will have a code button behind the file name. Use this button to embed this file directly with a Media Player module.

Dynamic Folders / Private Folders

Instead of using a static folder location, the module can also point to a dynamic folder location. For instance, you can use this functionality to easily and securily share documents on your cloud account with your users/clients by strictly giving users access to their own folder. This allows your clients to preview, download and manage their documents in their own private folder..

Dynamic folders are a powerfull settings for many use cases. For example:

  • You want to share documents with your clients privately;
  • You want your clients, users or guests upload files to their own folder;
  • You want to give your customers a private folder already filled with some files directly after they register.
help   Video Instructions

Setting Description
Dynamic Mode Do you want to link your users manually to their Private Folder or should the plugin handle this automatically for you?
- Name Template Template used when a Private Folder for an user is created.

This template supports the placeholders %user_login%, %user_firstname%, %user_lastname%, %user_email%, %display_name%, %ID%, %user_role%, %usermeta_{key}%, %post_id%, %post_title%, %postmeta_{key}%, %acf_user_{field_name}%, %acf_post_{field_name}%, %date_{date_format}%, %date_i18n_{date_format}%, %yyyy-mm-dd%, %hh:mm%, %uniqueID%, %directory_separator% (/). If you want to be able to send notifications to the owner of this folder the template should contain %user_email%. Leave empty to use the value that is set globally.

Example: Set it to%user_login% if you want the module to display the folder /{Start Folder}/{%user_login%}. Each user will get their own folder named with the user login.

Leave out the { } characters in the final placeholders: %usermeta_{key}% is %usermeta_my_custom_key%.
- Template Folder Automatically created Private Folders can be prefilled with documents from a template folder. The content of the template folder selected will be copied to the Private Folder when it is initiatly created.
- Full Access By default, Administrator users will have access to the complete top folder and be able to navigate through all Private Folders. When you want other users to be able do browse outside their own Private Folders, you can use this setting
- Quota Set maximum size of the Private Folder (e.g. 10M, 100M, 1G). When the Upload function is enabled, the user will not be able to upload when the limit is reached. Leave this field empty or set it to -1 for unlimited disk space.
Open Subfolder Set the subfolder name or path of the sub folder inside a Private Folder which should be set a start folder for the module. The subfolder will be automatically created if it does not yet exist.

This template supports the placeholders %user_login%, %user_firstname%, %user_lastname%, %user_email%, %display_name%, %ID%, %user_role%, %usermeta_{key}%, %post_id%, %post_title%, %postmeta_{key}%, %acf_user_{field_name}%, %acf_post_{field_name}%, %date_{date_format}%, %date_i18n_{date_format}%, %yyyy-mm-dd%, %hh:mm%, %uniqueID%, %directory_separator% (/)

Example: Set it to/Documents/%yyyy-mm-dd% if you want the module to display the sub folder {Start Folder}/{Name Template}/Documents/{%yyyy-mm-dd%} >


By default, the module will only allow users to preview, download and search files. If you want to allow different actions as well you can control this on the Actions tab. You can set for each action which User Role or User should be able to execute that action.

The following actions are supported:

Basic Actions

- Preview
Setting Description
Inline Preview Open preview inside a lightbox. If disabled, the preview will open in a new tab.
Who can preview files? Select which roles or users should be able to perform this action via the module.
- Download
Setting Description
Allow ZIP Downloads Lets users select multiple files and folder and download them as a ZIP package.
Who can download? Select which roles or users should be able to perform this action via the module.
- Upload
Setting Description
Who can upload? Select which roles or users should be able to perform this action via the module.
- Search
Setting Description
Full-Text search Search in file content, descriptions, tags and other metadata. (when files are indexed)
Initial Search Term Add search terms if you want to start a search when the shortcode is rendered. Please note that this only affects the initial render. If you want to only show specific files, you can use the Filters tab.

Files & Folder Actions

- Direct Link

Generate links to documents on your website. Only users with access to the module and its content will be able to open the link.

Setting Description
Who can link to content? Select which roles or users should be able to perform this action via the module.
- Share

Generate permanent shared links to your content in the Cloud.

Setting Description
Who can share content? Select which roles or users should be able to perform this action via the module.
Password protection Specify the password to access the shared link. Leave empty to not use a password.
Link Expiration Expiration time of the shared link. By default the link will not expire.
- Create new folders
Setting Description
Who can create folders? Select which roles or users should be able to perform this action via the module.
- Add/Edit descriptions
Setting Description
Who can add/edit descriptions? Select which roles or users should be able to perform this action via the module.
- Edit Microsoft Office documents
Setting Description
Who can edit documents? Select which roles or users should be able to perform this action via the module.
- Rename
Setting Description
Who can rename files? Select which roles or users should be able to perform this action via the module.
Who can rename folders? Select which roles or users should be able to perform this action via the module.
- Move
Setting Description
Who can move files? Select which roles or users should be able to perform this action via the module.
Who can move folders? Select which roles or users should be able to perform this action via the module.
- Copy
Setting Description
Who can copy files? Select which roles or users should be able to perform this action via the module.
Who can copy folders? Select which roles or users should be able to perform this action via the module.
- Delete
Setting Description
Who can delete files? Select which roles or users should be able to perform this action via the module.
Who can delete folders? Select which roles or users should be able to perform this action via the module.


On the Layout tab you can select how the module should be rendered. This includes settings for the module container itself and specific customization options for every module.

- Module Container All modules
Setting Description
Module width Set maximum width for the plugin container. You can use pixels or percentages. For instance: '360px', '48vw', '70%'. Leave empty for default value.
Module height Set maximum height for the plugin container. You can use pixels or percentages. For instance: '360px', '50vh', '70%'. Leave empty for default value.
Custom CSS Classes Add your own custom classes to the plugin container. Multiple classes can be added seperated by a whitespace.
- File Browser
Setting Description
File Browser view Grid/Thumbnail view or List view.
- Display filename on hover (Grid View) Display the file names in the thumbnail view only when hovering over the file. When disabled, the file names and actions will be displayed directly under the file. On touch devices, it will always displayed.
- Show quick preview button (List View) Allow the user to see thumbnail of a file when hovering over an quick preview button.
Show file extension
Show file size
Show last modified date
- Gallery
Setting Description
Show file names Display or Hide the file names in the gallery.
Descriptions always visible The description will appear on hover by default. When this setting is enabled it will always be visible.
Image row height The ideal height you want your grid rows to be. The module will slightly adjusts the row height to fit the images in the masonary grid.
Number of images lazy loaded Number of images to be loaded when scrolling down the page. Set to 0 to load all images at once.
- Slider
Setting Description
Slide Layout
Slide height The height of your slides. You can use pixels or percentages. For instance: '360px', '50vh', '70%'.
Slide padding Space between slides (in "px"). Cannot yet be used in combination with Auto size setting.
Slides in viewport Number of slides being displayed in the viewport at the same time.
Slide placement Arrangement of the slides. Arrange the slides in a row (horizontal) or column (vertical).
Centred slides Center the active slide in the viewport.
Auto size If enabled, the dimensions of each slide are its natural dimensions. If disabled, all slides will be the same size and the image will cover the slide.
Slide Content
Show last modified date Display the last modified date of the item.
Show file names Display or Hide the file names in the slider item.
Show descriptions Display descriptions in the slide if available.
- Description position Select the way in which the description is to be displayed.
Slide Navigation
Show dots Navigate through the slides using the dots below the slider.
Show arrows Navigate through the slides using arrows above the slider.
Slides per animation Number of slides going on with one next click.
Animation duration Speed of the slide animation.
Autoplay Toggles the automatic change of slides.
- Delay between slides Delay between cycles in milliseconds. Defaults to 5000.
- Pause on hover Stops sliding on mouseover.
- Direction Direction of slide movement.
- Lightbox File Browser Gallery
Setting Description
Show Thumbnails Show thumbnails of the files inside the Lightbox.
Navigation Navigate through your documents in the inline preview. Disable when each document should be shown individually without navigation arrows.
Enable Slideshow Automatically start the Slideshow mode when the lightbox is opened.
- Delay between slides Delay between cycles in milliseconds. Defaults to 5000.
- Header File Browser Gallery
Setting Description
Show header Display a header that shows the folder location and action buttons.
- Show refresh button Add a refresh button in the header so users can refresh the data in the module and pull changes.
- Show breadcrumb Display the breadcrumb with the current folder location.
--- Use custom name for top folder in breadcrumb Instead of using the original top folder name, set a custom 'Home' or 'Start' text for the top folder in the breadcrumb path. This is useful if you do not want to reveal the top folder name.
------ Custom text for the top folder Set a custom text for the top folder in the breadcrumb folder path. For example: "Home" or "Start".
- Media Player
Setting Description
Video aspect ratio Select the aspect ratio of your videos. The height of the video player will be set accordingly.
Auto Play Start the media directly when the module is rendered.
Mediaplayer Buttons Set which buttons (if supported) should be visible in the mediaplayer.
Enable Video Advertisements Supports VAST XML advertisments to offer monetization options for your videos. Currently, only Linear MP4 elements are supported.
Use ID3 metadata Use ID3 track/album/artist data if available.
Show Playlist
- Playlist open on start Display the playlist directly when the module is rendered.
- Playlist opens on top of player Display the playlist above the video container.
- Display thumbnails Add thumbnails for the items in the playlist.
- Show last modified date Display the last modified date in the playlist.
- Link to webshop Display a purchase button for your media by adding an url to your webshop.

Sort Order

Use the Sorting tab to change the sorting behavior of your documents.

Setting Description
Sort field Select the field that should be used to sort the documents. Values: Name, Size, Date of creation, Last modified date, Shuffle
Sort order Select the sorting order of the documents: Ascending or Descending


Use the Filters tab when you want change the output of the module and e.g. list specific files, folders or extensions only.

Setting Description
Include files Display your files in the module.
Include files Display your folders in the module.
Maximum number of files & folders Maximum number of files & folders to show in the module. Can be used for instance to only show the last 5 updated documents. Leave this field empty or set it to -1 for no limit.

Filter by file extension

Setting Description
Show the following files Add extensions separated with a pipe symbol: | . E.g. jpg|png|gif.
Hide the following files Add extensions separated with a pipe symbol: | . E.g. jpg|png|gif.

Filter by Name or ID

Setting Description
Show the following files Add files or folders by Name or ID separated with a pipe symbol: | . E.g. file1.jpg|long folder name. Wildcards like * and ? are supported.
Hide the following files Add files or folders by Name or ID separated with a pipe symbol: | . E.g. file1.jpg|long folder name. Wildcards like * and ? are supported.

Upload Settings

Allow your visitors to upload documents to a by you selected folder. You can prefix the file name of the uploaded file and also dynamically set a folder location.

Setting Description
Allow folder upload Adds an Add Folder button to the upload form if the browser supports it. It allows the user to upload folders keeping their folder structure intact.
Upload immediately Start the upload directly once it is selected on the users device..
Overwrite existing files By default, the plugin will auto-rename new uploaded files in case of a conflict. Enable this setting to overwrite the files instead.
File Rename, prefixes & suffixes Add a prefix, prefixes to the name of the uploaded files and/or replace the file name itself. This can include a folder path. This field supports the placeholders %file_name%, %file_extension%, %queue_index%, %user_login%, %user_firstname%, %user_lastname%, %user_email%, %display_name%, %ID%, %user_role%, %usermeta_{key}%, %post_id%, %post_title%, %postmeta_{key}%, %acf_user_{field_name}%, %acf_post_{field_name}%, %date_{date_format}%, %date_i18n_{date_format}%, %yyyy-mm-dd%, %hh:mm%, %uniqueID%, %directory_separator% (/)

Example: Set it toDocuments/%yyyy-mm-dd%_ if you want the module to upload the file example.jpg content to {Start Folder}/Documents/{%yyyy-mm-dd%}_example.jpg
Create shared links Automatically create shared links for the uploaded files.
Custom button text Set your own upload text on the upload button

Upload Restrictions

Setting Description
Restrict file extensions Add extensions separated with a pipe symbol: | . E.g. jpg|png|gif. Leave empty for no restriction.
Max uploads per session Number of maximum uploads per upload session. Leave empty for no restriction.
Minimum file size Minimum file size (e.g. 1 MB) when uploading files. Leave empty for no restriction.
Maximum file size Maximum file size (e.g. 100 MB) when uploading files. Leave empty for no restriction.


The plugin can send email notifications when files are downloaded, uploaded or deleted via the module. The subject and (HTML) content of the emails can be controlled via this settings page.

Email notifications

Setting Description
Download notification Send an email notification when someone downloads content via this module.
Upload notification Send an email notification when someone uploads content via this module.
Delete notification Send an email notification when someone deletes content via this module.


Setting Description
Email addresses Add email address who should receive the notification. Add multiple address separated by a comma ,. You can also use the following placeholders:

  • %admin_email% => Administration email address as set on the WordPress General Settings page;
  • %user_email% => Email of the user that executes the action;
  • %administrator%, %editor%, %subscriber%, etc... => All Email addresses of specific User Roles
  • %linked_user_email% => Email addresses of users that can access the modified files via their Private Folders.
When using %linked_user_email% in combination with automatically linked Private Folders, the folder names needs to contain the email address. You can achieve that by using the %user_email% placeholder in the global Name Template setting.
Skip notification of the user that executes the action Enable if the user that performs the actions shouldn't receive the notification

Sender information

Setting Description
From Name Enter the name you would like the notification email sent from, or use one of the available placeholders.
From email address Enter an authorized email address you would like the notification email sent from. To avoid deliverability issues, always use your site domain in the from email.
Reply-to email address Enter an email address when you want a reply on the notification to go to an email address that is different than the From: address.

Advanced Features

Private Folders

Private Folders Front-End

You can easily and securely share documents via OneDrive with your clients with the Private Folders feature. This feature allows your clients to preview, download and upload documents to their own private folder.

There are two ways you can use the 'Private Folders' feature: Manually and Automatically

In the Manual mode, you will link your WordPress Users to their own folder on your OneDrive by hand. This is can be useful in cases when you are already using client folders on your OneDrive, or if you want multiple users to use the same client folder.

To use the Private Folders feature in this mode, follow these instructions:

  1. Go to Share-one-Drive -> Private Folders in the WordPress Admin Dashboard
  2. Link your users to their folder on your OneDrive via the Select folder button.
  3. Go to the Page Editor and open the Share-one-Drive Shortcode Builder
  4. Go to Dynamic Folders tab.
  5. Set the Dynamic Mode to Manual mode - I will link the users manually
  6. Configure any other settings you need and press the "Insert Module" button.
  7. Done!

In the Automatic mode, you let the plugin automatically manage the Private Folders. The plugin will automatically link a user to its own Private Folder and it will create the Private Folder if needed in the by you selected top-level folder. The advantage of this method is that you don't have to manage the folders manually. In this mode you can even select a template folder to fill the Private Folder with some starting material when it is created.

To use the Private Folders feature in this mode, follow these instructions:

  1. Go to the Page Editor and open the Share-one-Drive Shortcode Builder
  2. Go to Content panel
  3. Select the folder location where the Private Folders need to be stored.
  4. Go to Dynamic Folders tab.
  5. Set the Dynamic Mode to Auto: Let the plugin automatically manage the Private Folders for me
  6. Configure any other settings you need and press the "Save" button.
  7. Done!

When you want to prefill newly created Private Folders, enable the Template Folder setting (Shortcode Builder -> Content -> Smart Client Area).
 You can control how the plugin is managing the Private Folders. Just take a look at the look at the Private Folders’ tab on the main plugin settings page (Share-one-Drive -> Settings).

Via the User Permissions tab in the Shortcode Builder, you can always select what kind of actions (e.g. upload or delete documents) are allowed by your client.

Supported Integrations

WooCommerce Integration

Digital Downloads

Share-one-Drive integrates nicely into WooCommerce and it allows you to serve your Digital Downloads directly from OneDrive! To add a Digital Product from your OneDrive, follow these instructions:

  1. Create a new WooCommerce Product (Products -> Add New) or open an existing one.
  2. In the Product Data section, tick the Downloadable checkbox
  3. On the General tab in the same section, click on the "Choose from OneDrive" button.
  4. In the new window that opens, click on the File that should be added to your product
  5. Wait till the File is added to your product
  6. Done!

Please note that using the 'Force Download' as File Download Method (WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Downloadable Products), will download the files via your server. It is recommended to use the download method 'Redirect only' to let your customers download the files directly via the cloud.
In contrast with downloads stored on your server, this setting isn't insecure for the downloads of this plugin as your customers will be redirected to a temporarily download.

Upload integration

Share-one-Drive allows you to create products where your customers can directly attach their Documents after purchasing. The plugin can create a Order specific folder on the linked Cloud Account and it will add a customizable Upload Box to the order page and the Thank You page. In order to enable the Upload Box for your products, follow these instructions

  1. Create a new WooCommerce Product (Products -> Add New) or open an existing one.
  2. In the Product Data section, tick the Uploads checkbox
  3. On the Upload to Cloud tab that appears, enable the "Upload to OneDrive" checkbox
  4. Set in the Title Upload Box the title which should appear above the Upload Box.
  5. Create your own Upload Box via the Build your Upload Box button, or edit the module manually.
  6. In the Upload Folder Name field, set the template which should be used for the Order Specific Folders*.
  7. Save the product!

* In order to use the Order Specific Folders, make sure that the Private Folder feature is enabled in the Module. You can find this settings on the User Folders tab.

Advanced Custom Fields (ACF)

Use the Advanced Custom Fields plugin to take full control of your WordPress edit screens & custom field data. The ACF integration of the plugin allows you to select files and folders in the cloud to your pages and posts! Use the get_field() function to get access to the metadata of the items to display this in any theme template file.

  1. Create a new Field Group ([Custom Fields] -> [Add New]) or open an existing one.
  2. Add a new field, and select the field type [WP Cloud Plugins] -> [Google Drive items]
  3. Select which data should be returned for the get_field() function
  4. Select in the Location section where the Field Group should appear
  5. Save the Field Group
  6. Done! You can now add file/folder information via the edit screens

data Description
id The ID of the item.
account_id The ID of the account the item is located.
drive_id The ID of the drive the item is located.
name The name of the item.
size The file size of the item.
icon_url An URL to a generic icon representing the file format.
thumbnail_url An URL to a thumbnail of the file. If no thumbnail is available an icon will be shown.
direct_url A direct URL to the item in the cloud. Only accessible by the owners that have access to the item in the cloud or if the item is already shared.
download_url A download URL that can be used by anyone to download the file.
shortlived_download_url A direct, short-lived, download URL to the file in the cloud.
shared_url A shared URL to the file is created, accessible by anyone with the link.
embed_url A shared URL for embedding the file in an iFrame. Only available for supported formats.

You can select multiple items in this custom field. The get_field() will therefor return an array of items.

Fluent Forms Integration

Do you want more flexibility than the Upload Form that is included? The plugin seamlessly integrates into the Fluent Forms plugin allowing you the create the perfect form! To add the plugin in your form, follow these instructions:

  1. Create a new Form ([Fluent Forms] -> [Add New]) or open an existing one.
  2. Drag the plugins form element to your form.
  3. Open the details of the newly added form element.
  4. Click on the "Open Shortcode Builder" button.
  5. In the Shortcode Builder that opens, create the module that you need.
  6. Press "Insert Module" to update the module.
  7. Save the Form.
  8. Done!

Customize upload location with form field values

You can use the available input fields in your form to name the upload folder based on user input. To do so, just add the CSS class wpcp-use-input-{***} to your input field(s) Container Class in the form, where {***} is your own identifier. For example: wpcp-use-input-email. In the module configuration, set on the Dynamic Folders tab the [Private Folder Mode] to [Auto] and use your identifiers in the [Name Template] as placeholders. In this example that is %input-email%.

WPforms Integration

Do you want more flexibility than the Upload Form that is included? Share-one-Drive seamlessly integrates into the WPForms plugin allowing you the create the perfect form! To add the plugin in your form, follow these instructions:

  1. Create a new Form ([WPForms] -> [Add New]) or open an existing one.
  2. Open the WP Cloud Plugins Fields tab.
  3. Drag the plugins form element to your form.
  4. Open the details of the newly added form element.
  5. Click on the "Open Shortcode Builder" button.
  6. In the Shortcode Builder that opens, create the module that you need.
  7. Press "Insert Module" to update the module.
  8. Save the Form.
  9. Done!

Customize upload location with form field values

You can use the available input fields in your form to name the upload folder based on user input. To do so, just add the CSS class wpcp-use-input-{***} to your input field(s) class in the form, where {***} is your own identifier. For example: wpcp-use-input-email. In the module configuration, set on the Dynamic Folders tab the [Private Folder Mode] to [Auto] and use your identifiers in the [Name Template] as placeholders. In this example that is %input-email%.

Formidable Forms Integration

Do you want more flexibility than the Upload Form that is included? Share-one-Drive seamlessly integrates into the Formidable Forms plugin allowing you the create the perfect form! To add the plugin in your form, follow these instructions:

  1. Create a new Form ([Formidable] -> [Forms] -> [Add New]) or open an existing one.
  2. Open the Add Fields tab.
  3. Drag the plugins form element to your form.
  4. Open the details of the newly added form element.
  5. Click on the "Open Shortcode Builder" button on the Advanced tab.
  6. In the Shortcode Builder that opens, create the module that you need.
  7. Press "Insert Module" to update the module.
  8. Save the Form.
  9. Done!

Customize upload location with form field values

You can use the available input fields in your form to name the upload folder based on user input. To do so, just add the CSS class wpcp-use-input-{***} to your input field(s) class in the form, where {***} is your own identifier. For example: wpcp-use-input-email. In the module configuration, set on the Dynamic Folders tab the [Private Folder Mode] to [Auto] and use your identifiers in the [Name Template] as placeholders. In this example that is %input-email%.

Contact Form 7 Integration

Do you want more flexibility than the Upload Form that is included? Share-one-Drive seamlessly integrates into the free Contact Form 7 plugin allowing you the create the perfect Form! To add Share-one-Drive to Contact Form 7, follow these instructions:

  1. Create a new Contact Form ([Contact] -> [Add New]) or open an existing one.
  2. Click on the Share-one-Drive button to open the configuration panel of the field.
  3. Click on the "Build your Share-one-Drive module" button.
  4. In the Shortcode Builder that opens, create the module that you need.
  5. Press "Insert Module" to update the module.
  6. Insert the Form Field by pressing the "Insert tag" button.
  7. Done!

Customize upload location with form field values

You can use the available input fields in your form to name the upload folder based on user input. To do so, just add the CSS class wpcp-use-input-{***} to the Class attribute of your input field where {***} is your own identifier. For example: [text* your-name class:wpcp-use-input-email]). In the module configuration, set on the Dynamic Folders tab the [Private Folder Mode] to [Auto] and use your identifiers in the [Name Template] as placeholders. In this example that is %input-email%.

Want to hide the Upload Box before all required fields on the form are filled? Take a look at the free Contact Form 7 – Conditional Fields plugin.

Gravity Forms Integration

Do you want more flexibility than the Upload Form that is included? Share-one-Drive seamlessly integrates into Gravity Form allowing you the create the perfect Form! To add Share-one-Drive to your Gravity Form, follow these instructions:

  1. Create a new Gravity Form ([Forms] -> [New Form]) or open an existing one
  2. Open the WP Cloud Plugins Fields tab.
  3. Drag the Share-one-Drive form element to your form.
  4. Open the details of the newly added form element.
  5. Click on the "Build your Share-one-Drive module" button.
  6. In the Shortcode Builder that opens, create the module that you need.
  7. Press "Insert Module" to update the module.
  8. Save the Form by pressing the "Update Form" button.
  9. Done!

Customize upload location with form field values

You can use the available input fields in your form to name the upload folder based on user input. To do so, just add the CSS class wpcp-use-input-{***} to the Custom CSS Class of your input field (Appearance tab), where {***} is your own identifier. For example: wpcp-use-input-email. In the module configuration, set on the Dynamic Folders tab the [Private Folder Mode] to [Auto] and use your identifiers in the [Name Template] as placeholders. In this example that is %input-email%.

Want to get only the file urls using a Merge Tag? Use the :url modifier in the plugin merge tag. For example: {Upload documents:1:url}.

Gravity PDF Integration

The free GravityPDF plugin allows you to automatically generate, email and download PDF documents with Gravity Forms. Share-one-Drive extends this plugin and allows you to store the generated PDFs directly on your OneDrive.

  1. Download and Install the GravityPDF plugin
  2. Head to [Forms] -> [Forms] and select the Gravity Form you want integrated.
  3. From the form editor page, hover over the Form Settings menu item and select PDF from the sub-navigation. Finally, click the Add New button to create a PDF.
  4. Edit the created PDF template, and go to the Advanced Tab
  5. Set the [ONEDRIVE] Export PDF to "Yes"
  6. In the [ONEDRIVE] Folder ID, set the ID of the folder where you want to store the generated PDF forms. You can find this ID via the Shortcode Builder by pressing the Create Module button.
  7. Press "Update PDF" to save the settings
  8. Done!

Uncanny Automator Integration

With Uncanny Automator, use your existing plugins, sites and apps to build powerful workflows that do everything automatically. The WP Cloud Plugins add multiple triggers which can be used in your Automate Recipies. For instance, you can fire your actions when a certain plugin event is triggered (new upload, file removal, etc). You can use it to send e.g. an email notification, a tweet, whatsapp messages or send data to other apps.

If you are looking for specific triggers which are not you present, please let us know!

What is the API for and how can I use it?

The API is a public API that provides a standard set of tools to help developers simplify common tasks when extending the software. It's especially useful because the WP Cloud Plugins makes full use of namespaces, and working directly with our namespaced classes can be alien for developers who aren't accustom to them.

In contrast, our API is in the global scope, can be accessed through the WPCP_ONEDRIVE_API class and uses static methods. You can easily call any method using WPCP_ONEDRIVE_API::method_name(). This allows a lower entry barrier for developers looking to extend our software, while still allowing us to take advantage of more modern PHP techniques to streamline our development.

This section of the documentation goes into detail about the usage of each API method which can be found in the API.php file in the /wp-content/plugins/share-one-drive/includes folder.

API – set_account_by_id()


This method will set the OneDrive account to be used for other API calls.


$account_id | string
  • The OneDrive account ID


$account | Account
  • The Account object corresponding to the set Account ID.


                      $account = WPCP_ONEDRIVE_API::set_account_by_id('8c9bacda0-d8d8-4b22-b634-7b5281687575');

                      // Username

                      // Primary emailaddress

                      // Profile image   

                      // Kind of OneDrive account                   

                      // Storage available & used.

Source Code

This method is located in /includes/API.php.

API – set_drive_by_id()


This method will set which Drive on the OneDrive account will be used for other API calls.


$drive_id | string
  • ID of the OneDrive / SharePoint Drive



                      $account = WPCP_ONEDRIVE_API::set_account_by_id('8c9bacda0-d8d8-4b22-b634-7b5281687575');


Source Code

This method is located in /includes/API.php.

API – get_entry()


This method will get the metadata for a file/folder by ID.


$id | string
  • The ID for file or folder. Please note, the IDs can be the same for different files on different Drives.


$node | CachedNode
  • The CacheNode object for the requested file or folder.



                      $node = WPCP_ONEDRIVE_API::get_entry('01EXLSWHWMQZNDMLRG7NFIWAVYCFJAXP2R');


Source Code

This method is located in /includes/API.php.

API – get_folder()


This method will get a specific folder on OneDrive/SharePoint and the files/folders directly inside it.


$id | string
  • The ID of the folder that should be loaded.


$node | CachedNode
  • The CacheNode object for the requested folder.



                      $node = WPCP_ONEDRIVE_API::get_folder('01EXLSWHRCD7RDL3HX65BK5X3ULXLWSICN');

                      foreach ($node->get_children() as $id => $entry_node) {

Source Code

This method is located in /includes/API.php.

API – create_folder()


This method will create a new folder in the Cloud.


$new_name | string
  • The name of the folder to be created.
$parent_id | string
  • ID of the folder where the new folder should be created.


$node | CachedNode
  • The CacheNode object for the new created folder.



                      // Create a new folder
                      $node = WPCP_ONEDRIVE_API::create_folder('Documents', '01EXLSWHRCD7RDL3HX65BK5X3ULXLWSICN');

Source Code

This method is located in /includes/API.php.

API – copy()


This method will copy multiple files to a new location.


$entry_ids | string[]
  • ID of the entries that should be copied.
$target_id | string
  • ID of the folder where the entry should be copied to.


$node | CachedNode[]
  • An array of Entry objects for the copied files/folders.



                      $entry_ids = [

                      $copied_nodes = WPCP_ONEDRIVE_API::copy($entry_ids, '01EXLSWHRCD7RDL3HX65BK5X3ULXLWSICN');

Source Code

This method is located in /includes/API.php.

API – move()


This method will move multiple files to a new location.


$entry_ids | string[]
  • ID of the entries that should be moved.
$target_id | string
  • ID of the folder where the entry should be moved to.
$copy | bool
  • Move or copy the entries. Default: copy = false.


$node | CachedNode[]
  • An array of Entry objects for the moved files/folders.



                      $entry_ids = [

                      $moved_nodes = WPCP_ONEDRIVE_API::move($entry_ids, '01EXLSWHRCD7RDL3HX65BK5X3ULXLWSICN');

Source Code

This method is located in /includes/API.php.

API – patch()


Update an file. This can be e.g. used to rename a file.


$id | string
  • ID of the entry that should be updated.
$update_request | array
  • The content that should be patched. E.g. ['name'=>'new_name'].


$node | CachedNode
  • The CacheNode object for the patched file.



                      // Update request to rename, and add a description
                      $updaterequest = [
                        'name' => 'Another picture.jpg',
                        'description' => 'Nunc sit amet convallis ante, nec molestie leo. Duis quis egestas arcu. Sed lacinia imperdiet tellus et molestie. Nulla at ornare diam, ac pretium augue. '

                      // Patch the file or folder
                      $node = WPCP_ONEDRIVE_API::patch('01EXLSWHWMQZNDMLRG7NFIWAVYCFJAXP2R', $updaterequest);

Source Code

This method is located in /includes/API.php.

API – delete()


This method will delete files and folders.


$entry_ids | string[]
  • array of IDs that need to be deleted.


$node | CachedNode[]
  • An array of Entry objects for the deleted files/folders.



                      $entry_ids = [

                      $deleted_nodes = WPCP_ONEDRIVE_API::delete($entry_ids');

Source Code

This method is located in /includes/API.php.

API – upload_file()


Upload a file to the cloud using a simple file object.


$file | File object
  • Object containing the file details. Same as file object in $_FILES.
$upload_folder_id | string
  • ID of the upload folder.
$description | string
  • Description for the file.
$overwrite | bool
  • Overwrite an existing file with the same name? If false, the file will be renamed.


$node | CachedNode
  • The CacheNode object for the uploaded file.



                      // File location on server
                      $file_path = '/absolute/path/to/file/on/server.ext';

                      // Create File object
                      $file = (object) [
                          'tmp_path' => $file_path,
                          'type' => mime_content_type($file_path),
                          'name' => 'filename.ext',
                          'size' => filesize($file_path),

                      $entry = WPCP_ONEDRIVE_API::upload_file($file, '01EXLSWHRCD7RDL3HX65BK5X3ULXLWSICN', 'A simple description', false);

Source Code

This method is located in /includes/API.php.

API – create_temporarily_download_url()


Create a temporarily download url for a file or folder.


$id | string
  • ID of the entry for which you want to create the temporarily download url.


$url | string
  • A temporarily download link for the requested file or folder.



                      // Create temporarily download url
                      $temporarily_url = WPCP_ONEDRIVE_API::create_temporarily_download_url('01EXLSWHRCD7RDL3HX65BK5X3ULXLWSICN');

                      // Redirect user to download url
                      header('Location: '.$temporarily_url);

Source Code

This method is located in /includes/API.php.

API – create_preview_url()


Create a preview url for a file. Only available for document formats with OneDrive preview support.


$id | string
  • ID of the entry for which you want to create the preview download url.


$url | string
  • A preview url to the file



                      // Create preview url
                      $preview_url= WPCP_ONEDRIVE_API::create_preview_url('01EXLSWHWMQZNDMLRG7NFIWAVYCFJAXP2R');

Source Code

This method is located in /includes/API.php.

API – create_shared_url()


Create a shared url for a file or folder. By default, a public shared link will be created. OneDrive Business can request an expiring shared link or set a password.


$id | string
  • ID of the entry for which you want to create the shared url.
$param | array
  • Additional sharing permissions. Defaults to:
                            $param = [
                              'type' => 'view',
                              'scope' => 'anonymous',


$url | string
  • The created shared link.



                      $params = [
                          'type' => 'view',
                          'scope' => 'anonymous',

                      // Set password
                      // !!! Only available for OneDrive Business
                      $params['password'] = 'mypass1234';

                      // Set expire date
                      // !!! Only available for OneDrive Business
                      $expire_date = current_datetime()->modify('+1 month');
                      $params['unshared_at'] = $expire_date->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone('UTC'))->format('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z');

                      // Create / Get shared links
                      $url = WPCP_ONEDRIVE_API::create_shared_url('01EXLSWHWMQZNDMLRG7NFIWAVYCFJAXP2R', $params);

Source Code

This method is located in /includes/API.php.

API – create_edit_url()


Create an url to an editable view of the file. By default, a public shared link will be created. OneDrive Business can request an expiring shared link or set a password.


$id | string
  • ID of the entry for which you want to create the shared url.
$param | array
  • Additional sharing permissions. Defaults to:
                            $param = [
                              'type' => 'edit',
                              'scope' => 'anonymous',


$url | string
  • The created shared link.



                      $params = [
                          'type' => 'edit',
                          'scope' => 'anonymous',

                      // Set password
                      // !!! Only available for OneDrive Business
                      $params['password'] = 'mypass1234';

                      // Set expire date
                      // !!! Only available for OneDrive Business
                      $expire_date = current_datetime()->modify('+1 month');
                      $params['unshared_at'] = $expire_date->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone('UTC'))->format('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z');

                      // Create / Get shared links
                      $url = WPCP_ONEDRIVE_API::create_edit_url('01EXLSWHWMQZNDMLRG7NFIWAVYCFJAXP2R', $params);

Source Code

This method is located in /includes/API.php.


The plugin is multi-language ready and has over 15+ translations in its package. If needed, you can quite easily translate the plugin by yourself. The plugin decides based on the language setting of your WordPress site, which translation it will load.

An easy way to translate the plugin is by using special WordPress Plugin: Loco Translate.

Part of your purchase costs are gladly refunded in case you send in new translation files. Those new translations will be checked and added in the package for other customers.



The purpose of the Help Center is to provide you with the right answers at the right time. Our support is provided only for direct product buyers. While applying at our Help Center you will be asked to provide valid purchase code of our products. Our Help Center is the only official support handling mechanism for this plugin. Questions sent using other channels may be ignored without notice. According to Envato rules, support mechanism is not mandatory for marketplace authors - we provide support because of good will and want to offer our customers best service possible. We keep rights not to provide support due to abuse or any other reasons that are against this policy.

What You Can Expect From Our Support?

There are certain things that you can expect from our Help Center:

  • We always have bug-related and technical support in priority
  • We respond to questions or problems regarding the plugin and its features
  • We are happy to receive proposals and ideas
  • Tiny custom requests can be served (low priority, depending on workload and good will)

What You Can Not Expect From Our Support?

There are certain things that are out of scope. Although, in some ocassions, we will try to help you even with such requests.

  • Generic WordPress questions
  • Issues related to 3rd party plugins
  • Customization requests
  • Any tickets that contain abuse or violence

Thank you for finding time to read this policy and remember that we are here to help you out.

Pre-Support Actions

Before asking your question, please make sure:

  • You have read the documentation provided
  • Searched the answer within our FAQ articles and the comment section of the product page
  • Make sure you have the latest version installed.
question_answer   FAQ section question_answer   Comments section

Opening Support Ticket

In order to get response in reasonable time we are kindly asking you to provide following information while opening support ticket:

  • Always insert your purchase code for non-presale questions
  • A link to the page where you are having trouble
  • A temporarily(!) WP admin login when you encounter bugs or need help to integrate the plugin in your website. Double check the login credentials before submitting! Seriously.
  • A clear description of the problem and how to reproduce it
  • Screenshot of the problem
  • Add your WordPress Debug Log if you are encountering unexpected issues with the plugin.
  • Any other information that you find useful

All information provided is confidential and will not be provided to any third party.

help   Create a Support Ticket


We have an obligation to make and keep our products as safe as possible. Creativity is key with security, and we admit we can’t possibly cover all our bases. That’s why we ask our users and the security community to submit any findings regarding security directly to us. We strive to fix all security vulnerabilities in the WP Cloud Plugins in a timely manner.

Disclosure Policy

Please do not discuss any vulnerabilities (even resolved ones) without express consent.

Submit your report

When you’ve found a security issue, please submit the report to us via a support ticket. In your ticket, make sure to include:

  • The impact of the issue.
  • A detailed guide on how to reproduce the issue.
  • (optional) A screenrecording demonstrating the issue.

After your submission

We will make a best effort to meet the following response targets for security reports:

  • Time to first response (from report submit) – 3 business days
  • Time to triage (from report submit) – 7 business days
We’ll keep you informed about our progress throughout the process.

Known vulnerabilities

CVE-2021-42548 Patched in version 1.15.3 - 6 December '21
XSS vulnerability in the search functionality of the plugin. Shout out to Trainer Red for discovering and responsibly disclosing this issue!


We are constantly working on a new features and improvements for Share-one-Drive in order to keep your site and your business at the top. In this section you can find information on latest updates we created during lifetime of this plugin.

Version 2.10 19 September 2023

New Features, Settings and Integrations:

  • Gravity Forms
    • Added support for the :url modifier for the plugin field Merge Tag. When using this modifier, the Merge Tag will only return the urls of the uploaded files, separated by a (,) for non-HTML formats and a line break for HTML formats.
Bug fixes:
  • Plugin cache could go corrupt when a fatal PHP error happened from another plugin.
  • Fixed a couple of PHP 8.2 support issues.
  • Translation updates.
  • Removed obsolete code using old PHP functions.
Code library updates:
  • Chart.js to v4.4.0
  • Plugin Update Checker to v5.2
  • Included CA certificates updated

Version 2.9.2 5 September 2023

New Features, Settings and Integrations:

  • Added shareonedrive_do_domain_verification filter to disable checking if AJAX requests come from the same domain.
  • Advanced Custom Fields
    • The ACF field now has a setting to control the return value of the field. It defaults to an array of item metadata, and can now also return a string of one of the metadata keys (e.g. a download url).
    • The ACF field now has a setting to control the maximum number of items that can be selected.
  • Added Prev/Next buttons in the inline Audio Player for the File Browser module.
  • Translation updates
  • Added support for WordPress 6.3.1

Version 2.9.1 23 August 2023

New Features, Settings and Integrations:

  • Added WooCommerce support for WPC Product Bundles.
  • Added shareonedrive_woocommerce_download_module_params filter hook to modify the exact params for the folder download module in WooCommerce.
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed a PHP 8.1 trim() deprecated notice.
  • The query parameters for thumbnail URLs that are stored locally were added incorrectly.
  • In FireFox, the permissions selection boxes in the shortcode builder did not render.
  • Added handlers to delete temporarily files in case requests are terminated unexpectedly and the server can't automatically delete files created by tmpfile().

Version 2.9 5 August 2023

New Features, Settings and Integrations:

  • New 'Thumbnail location' setting for Business Accounts allowing you to store thumbnails locally on the server rather than using the API thumbnail urls. The OneDrive Business API thumbnail urls currently can reveal file metadata as well as account data.
  • Added the %date_i18n_{date_format}% placeholder to get the localised time in the given PHP {date_format} string using the language set for the site.
Bug fixes:
  • Warnings could be displayed when resetting the cache and deleting locked files.
  • Carousel module didn't respect the sort order set in the configuration.
  • For modules with the 'shuffle/random' order set, the browser incorrectly cached the data.
  • The lazy loading of the images in the carousel module now also works for fast slide changes. This allows you to use the module for e.g. time lapses.
  • Added security check to make sure that the plugin only accepts AJAX calls coming from the same domain.
Code library updates:
  • Chart.js to v4.3.3
  • DataTables to v1.13.6
  • ZipStream to v2.2.6
  • Plugin Update Checker to v5.1

Version 2.8.3 18 July 2023

Bug fixes:

  • Search function not always returning search results.
  • Existing descriptions not editable in Gallery module.
  • Remove URL anchor in deeplinks used in the %file_deeplink_url% placeholder.
  • Beaver Builder
    • Module configurator not opening

Version 2.8.2 24 May 2023

New Features, Settings and Integrations:

  • Added 'Events per user' report section to show the logged events per user in the selected time period.
Bug fixes:
  • Actions buttons not accessible in 'Flat Dark' Lightbox skin.
  • 'Creation date' not always rendered correctly for files.
  • The 'Show file size' and 'Show last modified date' settings are now respected by the metadata content displayed by the description buttons (i)

Version 2.8.1 24 May 2023

Bug fixes:

  • Extracting email addresses from Private Folder names for email notifications did not work for addresses with a - in the domain name.
  • Individual file statistics showing incorrect totals because these were filtered by the main period range selector.
  • Made the headers of the Select and Embed modals sticky.

Version 2.8 15 May 2023

New Features, Settings and Integrations:

  • Added preview/lightbox functionality for slider module.
  • Added 'Keep last modified date' setting in upload configuration.
Bug fixes:
  • Embed functionality incorrectly allowed you to select folders.
  • AJAX requests from the modules are not always cached properly, leading to reduced performance of the plugin on sites with high traffic.
  • WooCommerce
    • Placeholders for product variations did not work, which could cause the module to crash on products with upload integration enabled.
  • Media Player with the autoplay functionality enabled now always shows the volume status if it is muted.
  • If multiple modules are added to the page, only add the localised strings for the media player once.
  • If using reCaptcha integration, only verify user if not logged in.
  • Added a WordPress health check to see if the site can establish a secure connection with API servers.
Code library updates:
  • Chart.js to v4.3
  • DataTables to v1.13.4
  • ReCaptcha to v1.3.0
  • Tagify to v4.17.8

Version 2.7.3 2 May 2023

New Features, Settings and Integrations:

  • Added %wc_item_quantity% placeholder which will output the number of purchased items in a WooCommerce order.
  • Added a new 'Logged in user' role for the permissions selector.
Bug fixes:
  • Module Configurator not handling single and double quotes correctly.
  • Force the Module Configurator modal in Gutenberg to have a set width/height.
  • Email notifications sent to the admin email did not always use the available user metadata in cases where the email address is the same as the 'Administration Email Address' registered for the WordPress site.
  • Shuffle action in the Media Player not working as expected.
  • Media Player did not load subtitles correctly when you switch between items in a playlist.
  • Media Player module search function not searching case insensitive.
  • Media Player module not filtering the search results correctly when the list view was used.
  • WooCommerce Placeholders are now also available for renaming uploaded files.
  • If you are using a direct link, the browser will now scroll the appropriate module into view when the page is loaded.

Version 2.7.2 5 April 2023

New Features, Settings and Integrations:

  • The "Who can search" setting has been added to control who is allowed to use the search function in the module.
  • Global setting to control if the File Browser module should remember the last opened location.
Bug fixes:
  • Preview events in the Lightbox were not always logged correctly.

Version 2.7.1 29 March 2023

New Features, Settings and Integrations:

  • Added support for TinyURL as a URL shortener service.
Bug fixes:
  • The skin of the media module contained an unclosed DOM element.
  • A small play icon for video files has been added to the Gallery module.
  • The code has been adapted to support different summary email templates for different recipients.
  • The Search Box module will no longer display the contents of the top folder when you use an empty search term.

Version 2.7 23 March 2023

New Features, Settings and Integrations:

  • New default skin for the Media Player, which introduces a grid view and allows searching in the playlist. In addition, sharing and deep linking to playlist items is now possible. The old skin can still be used by selecting Basic Playlist 2020 skin on the layout tab of the main options page.
  • Added a Theme Style option to the module configuration, which allows you to set a color scheme for a specific module that overrides the global theme style.
  • New import functionality in the Shortcode Builder that allows you to load the settings of a raw shortcode.
  • Added Global 'Radius' and 'Grid Gap' settings to change the appearance of various plugin elements, such as file tiles, modal dialogs and buttons.
  • New setting to control the padding between images in the Gallery module.
Bug fixes:
  • Long file names in Gallery module overflowing the image.
  • Share action in gallery lightbox shared entire folder instead of item itself.
  • Transperancy information was not saved in the color picker.
  • Layout issues with dark color scheme.
  • When Lightbox was reopened, it could display the contents of the last loaded file before displaying the current file.
  • Shortcode Builder failed to check if user is allowed to configure modules.
  • Enabled 'Use folders' filters for the audio and media player.
  • Sort button added to the Gallery Module.

Version 2.6 13 March 2023

New Features, Settings and Integrations:

  • New "Open Lightbox on page load" setting for File Browser and Gallery module to automatically open the lightbox immediately after the module has loaded the content. Can be useful if you want the slideshow to start in full screen when the page opens.
Bug fixes:
  • iFrames in the LightBox that were opened in Safari < 16 were not centred.
  • A slider overlay layer was displayed even when there were no descriptions.
  • Failed to load subtitles when the playlist is hidden in the Media Player module.
  • Media Player module subtitles did not load correctly when using Unicode characters in filename
  • The slideshow will now wait for a video to finish before it moves on to the next slide.
  • Replaced javascript that calculates the grid in the File Browser module with a CSS grid.

Version 2.5.1 28 February 2023

Bug fixes:

  • Navigation header of File Browser modules in the WP Admin Dashboard not showing correctly when using a Dark theme scheme on the Front-End.
  • Resolved problems with transients storing data temporarily.

Version 2.5 24 February 2023

New Features, Settings and Integrations:

  • New Slider / Carousel module. Effortlessly showcase your cloud-stored images via the responsive slider module.
  • New 'Show Header' setting, which can now be used alongside the 'Show Breadcrumb' setting to give more control over the navigation header.
  • Slightly revised the layout of the Gallery module to give more focus on the images.
  • Updated rendering of date information in file list. The full date & time is still accessible via the information button.
  • Minor other layout changes.
Code library updates:
  • imagesLoaded PACKAGED to v5.0.0

Version 2.4.1 20 February 2023

Bug fixes:

  • Embed button in Shortcode Builder not working in list view.
  • Incorrect rendering of settings pages and Shortcode Builder when using a RTL language.
  • Long file names in report table rows were not displayed correctly.

Version 2.4 3 February 2023

New Features, Settings and Integrations:

  • New Reply-To notification setting when you want a reply on a notification to go to an email address that is different than the From: address.
  • New module configuration setting 'Use custom name for top folder in breadcrumb'. The plugin will by default replace the first folder name in the breadcrumb with 'Start' or another custom string. Disabling this setting will use the original folder name instead.
  • Uncanny Automator - Added New 'File description added' trigger.
Bug fixes:
  • When curl_exec of curl_init are on the list of disabled PHP functions, the plugin cannot communicate with the API and will not run. Till now, the plugin could behave unexpectedly as it didn't check for this.
  • Use Template Folder setting in Shortcode Builder not rendered correctly when editing a module configuration using template folders.
  • Media Player playlist now scrolls to current item when switching between items.
  • HTML attribute loading="lazy" is added for single embedded images/iframes for native lazy loading of the content.
Code library updates:
  • Included CA certificates updated.

Version 2.3 20 January 2023

New Features, Settings and Integrations:

  • New %date_{format}% placeholder to return the current time in the specified '{format}'. {format} needs to be a PHP date format string.
  • New 'Display filename on hover' setting for the Grid/Thumbnail view of the File Browser module.
  • New setting 'Allow switching between views' for the File Browser module.
Bug fixes:
  • Custom loading image was stretched on mobile devices in case an image with landscape dimensions was used.
  • Upload Box module could not start uploads when the module was hidden while the plugin was initiated.
  • When a File Browser modules loads the latest position it was on, the cloud account wasn't correctly selected.
  • Added file name to the information box in the File Browser module.
  • Updated the UI used to manually link Private Folders.
  • Changed the way how a thumbnail is shown when hovering over a file in a File Browser in 'List' view.
  • Hide Actions menu when there are no actions available.
  • Small changes to Mobile layout of File Browser module.
  • WooCommerce & Advanced Custom Fields
    • The files/folders selector now remembers the last position when switching between pages, products or creating new ones.
    • The files/folders selector now marks already added files.
    • Not longer possible to add the same file multiple times to the list of files.
Code library updates:
  • Chart.js library to v4.2

Version 2.2 5 January 2023

New Features, Settings and Integrations:

  • Upload Box %queue_index% placeholder for the File Rename, prefixes & suffixes setting which can be used to add a sequential upload index to the file name of uploaded files.
  • Media Player now supports SRT subtitles besides VTT. To use subtitles, add them besides the video file with the format video_filename.caption label.language.(vtt|srt). E.g. Topgun.English.en.vtt.
  • New setting to disable 'scroll to top' button for module.
  • Advanced Custom Fields | Support for %acf_user_{field_name}% and %acf_post_{field_name}% placeholders which will be filled with ACF fields using get_field($fieldname) and the user ID or post ID.
Bug fixes:
  • Subtitle file selection failed when the movie name contained . characters.
  • Lightbox not opening correctly when using a direct link on mobile devices.
  • Sorting by 'Date of creation' in Media Player module not working as expected.
  • Gravity Forms - gform_user_registered hook use to create Private Folders when registering an user via a Gravity Form, was ignoring the global plugins 'Create Private Folders on registration' setting.
  • Advanced Custom Fields - Item selector not showing up on WooCommerce product pages.
  • Only display a single admin notification when multiple accounts are not longer linked with the plugin.
  • Slightly changed the breadcrumb rendering on mobile devices.
Code library updates:
  • Chart.js library to v4.1.1

Version 2.1.1 8 December 2022

Bug fixes:

  • Description texts not accessible in File Browser / LightBox.
  • Gravity Forms - Upload field not initiated on the correct place which could cause problems when other plugins want to access the field information early.
  • Display thumbnails for uploaded files.

Version 2.1 1 December 2022

New Features, Settings and Integrations:

  • New Export/Import functionality for settings, event log and the manually linked Private Folders.
  • New Audio Player for playing audio files in File Browser module directly inline.
  • New Setting 'Name Template Prefix for anonymous users' to change the default prefix of the Private Folders name for not logged in users. By default, their folder name will be prefixed with "Guests - " so all their folders are grouped together.
Bug fixes:
  • Store dynamic input values for placeholder using the wpcp-use-input-{***} CSS classes on multipage forms.
  • Elementor - Do not longer load recaptcha in Elementor page builder.
  • WooCommerce Download integration - Modal to select files for digitial products not displaying correctly when their parent DOM container is hidden by other WC plugins.
  • Small performance tweaks to reduce the amount of API calls required.
Code library updates:
  • DataTables library to v1.13.1
  • Chart.js library to v4.0.1

Version 2.0.4 22 November 2022

New Features, Settings and Integrations:

  • New 'Playlist autoplay' setting which controls if the next item in playlist should start automatically once finished the current one (default: true).
  • New floating upload button in File Browser and Gallery modules when Upload Box isn't in the viewport of the browser.
Bug fixes:
  • The permissions selector boxes not loading correctly when the site has users with double quotes in their display name.
  • Download button visible in Lightbox for mobile devices for modules without download permission.
  • Media Player playlist item not starting when video/audio is stored.
  • File Browser module in Shortcode Builder not loading properly when using Private Folders in the Back-End.

Version 2.0.3 18 November 2022

Bug fixes:

  • Loading API with account without active authorization could crash the plugin.
  • Failing upload events not correctly logged.

Version 2.0.2 14 November 2022

Bug fixes:

  • Layout issues in the page editor when the plugin was used in combination with Advanced Custom Fields.
  • ShortcodeBuilder and File Embedder popups were loading other site scripts and styles as well.
  • Resolved download permissions for Media Players using the deprecated 'linktomedia' parameter.
  • Pan/Zoom not working for all images in Lightbox.
  • Contact Form 7 - Plugin popup not loading correctly.

Version 2.0.1 10 November 2022

Bug fixes:

  • Content in Lightbox showing larger than the viewport.
  • Resolved 'use empty array elements in arrays' error in Shortcode Builder causing it to stop working.
  • Support package renewal link pointed to the wrong plugin.
  • Set CURLOPT_SSLVERSION explicitly to TLS 1.2 or higher as required by Microsoft to improve the security posture of Azure AD.. Uses a fallback for situations where the CURL constants (CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_2) are not defined
Code library updates:
  • Included CA certificates updated.

Version 2.0 8 November 2022

IMPORTANT (For Developers): This 2.0 update contains many changes to the core classes and functions of the plugin. If you have code that hook into the plugin classes or use custom addons, you might need to update that code.
New Features, Settings and Integrations:
  • New API class to execute most common API calls directly via the plugin.
  • New setting to fully customize the file name of uploaded files.
  • New setting to show/hide thumbnails inside the Lightbox.
  • New setting to set the default click behavior to edit Microsoft Office files.
  • New download button in Upload Module for uploads that have finished.
  • New shareonedrive_event_added hook which is fired after event has been logged.
  • You can now play audio files directly in the File Browser module without opening the Lightbox.
  • Added CSS class wpcp-use-input-{***} which can be used in form integrations allowing you to use form field values in placeholders.
  • Configurable shared link settings (password / expire date) for OneDrive Business accounts.
  • Preview support for HTML and TXT files for OneDrive Business accounts.
  • Support for the powerfull Uncanny Automator plugin allowing you to use the plugin events in your workflows.
  • Support for custom form field placeholders for use in dynamic folder location (Private Folders name template, subfolder name, etc).
  • Support for %file_deeplink_url% placeholder in email notifications. The url will point to the file in the module on the Front-End.
  • WooCommerce Download integration - Added support for downloadable folders.
Bug fixes:
  • Search results could include files located in hidden folders.
  • Plugin was sending download notifications for streaming events.
  • Placeholders %yyyy-mm-dd% and %hh:mm% were using the server timezone rather than your WordPress timezone.
  • Getting account storage information for the accountss could fail.
  • Zip downloads for Gallery folders not working correctly.
  • Webhooks will now only be send for valid URLs.
  • PHP Code example to use Custom Event Summary template contained syntax errors.
  • Elementor - Compatibility issues for recent versions.
  • Formidable Forms - Form input value not rendered correctly when using a multipage configuration.
  • Formidable Forms - Upload Box field value can be corrupten when editing/saving entries.
  • Formidable Forms - Incorrect field data sanitation.
  • GravityPDF -File names no longer automatically prefixed with the entry ID. You can add the ID to the file name template of GravtiyPDF itself.
  • WooCommerce Download integration - Downloads not starting correctly when file name contains a # character which breaks the download link.
  • WooCommerce Upload integration - Orders could show the list of uploaded files incorrectly.
  • Redesigned the Shortcode Builder and all admin pages.
  • Gallery module now also support video files (mp4, m4v, ogg, ogv, webm).
  • Remember last position opened in File Browser and Gallery modules.
  • Remember video/audio position in the Media Player module.
  • Shared links no longer automatically created for new uploaded files. You will have to set this explicit in the upload configuration if this functionality is needed.
  • Lightbox now uses the full viewport.
  • Copy functionality now allows you to copy files and folders to different locations.
  • Folder thumbnails in Gallery module are now centered.
  • Progress indicators in Upload Module queue now also display the filesize sent sofar.
  • Media Player felt 'laggy' when the playlist contained 100+ items.
  • WooCommerce Download integration - You can now select multiple files at once when inserting new downloadable files.
  • WooCommerce Upload integration - Upload button text is now customizable.
  • Many small CSS tweaks and improvements.
Code library updates:
  • ZipStream library to v2.2.1
  • Tagify library to v4.16.4
  • DataTables library to v1.12.1
  • Chart.js library to v3.9.1
  • Several other minor 3rd party libraries.

Changelog for the 1.x branch

Date Version Changes
1.16.8 13 Jun '22
  • Added: New Aspect Ratio setting for the Media Player module to set a fixed size of the media player. Default 16:9.
  • Added: New upload Prefix filename setting which allows you to prefix newly uploaded files. This settings does support folder paths and you can use the dynamic placeholders.
  • Added: New webhooks functionality allowing you to get automated messages based on all events the plugin logs. See the documentation for examples.
  • Added: New placeholder for WooCommerce Product upload locations: %wc_item_id%.
  • Fix: Search operations using quotes not correctly passes as operators in API search query.
  • Fix: Portrait videos displayed incorrectly in fullscreen.
  • Improvement: The list of uploaded files in WooCommerce Orders is now directly visible in the order details.
1.16.7 30 May '22
  • Added: Number of selected files now visible in breadcrumb
  • Fix: CSS conflicts due to the use of variable names without prefixes
  • Fix: Formidable Forms CSV export not working for plugin fields when used in combination with some Formidable Forms addons which modify the field values.
  • Updated: MediaElementjs library to version 5.0.5
1.16.6 5 May '22
  • Added: %recipient_name%, %recipient_email%, %recipient_firstname%, %recipient_lastname% placeholders to email notification templates
  • Added: You can now use the CSS class disable-create-private-folder-on-registration on the plugin modules to prevent it to automatically create Private Folders on user registration, overruling the global setting.
  • Added: Search only by filename
  • Fix: Filtering on roles on the Link Private Folders menu page wasn't using the correct page url in case the user only has access to this specific plugin settings page.
  • Fix: Setting link in plugin dashboard was not longer pointing to the correct menu page
1.16.5 4 Apr '22
  • Fix: Embed button in Shortcode Builder not working.
  • Fix: Large folder/zip downloads could cause buffer issues leading to corrupt downloads.
  • Improvement: ZIP downloads of a single folder will now use the name of that folder.
  • Updated: Several Javascript libraries to their latest versions, including Chart.js, DataTables, WPColorPicker, Shareon, Clipboard.js and PanZoom.
1.16.4 24 Mar '22
  • Added: new %post_title% placeholder.
  • Fix: Delete Folder permission not correctly saved in Module Configurator
  • Fix: Plugin could crash if list of permissions contained invalid data
  • Fix: Prevent plugin from crashing when a WooCommerce Order template is used in combination with the woocommerce_order_item_meta_end hook providing only three arguments instead of four required since WC 6.0.
1.16.3 17 Mar '22
  • Added: New setting field in Module configurator to set a custom 'Add your file(s)' upload button text.
  • Added: Upload Box now also supports the deletion of uploaded files when enabled in the module configuration.
  • Added: New filter hooks to change the behavior of some WooCommerce functionalities of the plugin, shareonedrive_woocommerce_add_order_note($custom_text, $order, $class) and shareonedrive_woocommerce_thank_you_text($note, $uploaded_entries, $order, $product, $class)
  • Fix: Automatically set OneDrive account for modules with account ID missing (only available for OneDrive Personal accounts).
  • Fix: Google Analytics event didn't always log the file name correctly.
  • Fix: Updates for plugin were not installed automatically when 'Auto-Updates' are enabled.
  • Improved: Small changes to the Report tables to improve performance.
1.16.2 18 Feb '22
  • Added: new %post_id% and %postmeta_{key}% placeholders.
  • Fix: Shortcode Builder in classic TinyMCE editor not storing module correctly when using non UTF-8 characters.
  • Fix: Share file action not working when using a deeplink to a File Browser module folder in combination with multiple accounts. The account was not set correctly, causing the plugin to stop the share action.
  • Fix: Shortcode Builder in Elementor stops working after applying changes to the page.
  • Fix: Modules with set sub folder location could not always load the requested sub folder correctly.
  • Improved: You can now set a max height for the playlist of the Audio Player and Video Player modules.
1.16.1 26 Jan '22
  • Fix: Compatibility issue with WordPress 5.9 where a Front-End callback function was no longer working.
1.16 24 Jan '22
  • IMPORTANT Updated requirements: WordPress 5.3+ & PHP 7.4+.

  • Added: Support for FLAC playback in File Browser
  • Added: 'letsbox_use_search_order' can be used to change the sorting order of the search results to match the sorting order set in the module configuration. By default, the API will return the search results ordered by 'Best match'
  • Fix: GravityView/GravityFlow not rendering plugin field form correctly when both plugins are enabled
  • Fix: When a Private Folders automatically was created during registration or deleted after user deletion, the plugin would not use the name template as set in the module configuration. Instead it would use the global value for this setting.
  • Fix: Action events not properly fired when Move/Copy action model has been opened
  • Improved: Added dark theme for scrollbars
  • Updated: Included CA certificates updated.
  • Updated: Several Javascript libraries
  • Updated: PHPthumb library to version 1.7.18-202110211855
  • Updated: wp-color-picker-alpha library to version 3.0.1
  • Updated: Tagify to version 4.9.2
  • Updated: Chart.js to version 3.7.0
  • Updated: DataTables to version 1.11.3

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